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The More Reasons

MY Everything for a Reason series is about there being a purpose behind things happening in life. Recently I realized purpose can solve a lot of problems. Again, this lesson came from my children. With the idea of starting the Manie Foundation I really wanted to help others, but the more I get deeper into it becoming reality the more reasons I find behind doing it.

The Manie Foundation isn't going to just help others when their babies are born with birth defects, it is helping my family and me right now. In a time when we could allow ourselves to be depressed because of things not exactly being what we want it is giving us something else to think about. Many sleepless nights of wondering what if, it provides us a new focus. It gives me something to take my mind off of all that could go wrong. It makes me feel good and full of hope that we will help others someday.

Most importantly it gives Manie one more reason to fight when he needs too. As a mother of a child born with birth defects it is my responsibility to provide him with as many reasons as possible to be here. It is my pleasure to provide all my children with life experience to make the most of their life. Whether it is teaching a lesson or having fun, as parents we have to make the most of what life throws at us. It doesn't mean we don't get sad, angry, confused or frustrated. It means we allow ourselves a human experience with all the emotions a human is given.

Reasons are for everyone even someone who may seem to have no particular problems at all. Think about you teenage son or daughter. Why are they angry all the time? It is because they don't have purpose. Give them a new focus, find something important to them that will occupy their time, but it must be something that will better the world or it won't mean as much. Will it solve all their teenage angst, probably not, but it will make them feel like they belong to this world somehow.

The more reasons a person has the better their life will be. If it is depression, terminal illness, someone living with PTSD, being a teenager or any of the number of other aliments inflicting people in our world today it is the same all around. Find every purpose you can because the more you have the more life will mean. These reasons you find will not just keep you here, but help keep you happy. Maybe we don't all need to start a non profit, but you can find something important to you and make life worth living especially if it is helping others in some way.



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